As coronavirus spreads, Trump immigration policies endanger public health

The Trump administration’s immigration policies may well exacerbate the COVID-19 crisis.

* This article was originally published here

Trump and Xi both hunt for coronavirus victories

Allies in right-wing media have abetted Trump’s approach, casting coronavirus concerns as attempts once more to “impeach” the president and “a hoax” to undermine him. “The ‘conservative’ media have …

* This article was originally published here

Donald Trump Coronavirus Fears: POTUS Melting Down, Afraid Press Will Purposely Give Him Disease

Donald Trump wrongfully blamed Barack Obama’s administrtion for the coronavirus testing problems Donald Trump is reportedly melting down as he fears that the press will purposely give coronavirus to …

* This article was originally published here

Trump leaves White House coronavirus briefing without answering questions about health

President Trump on Monday left a White House press briefing without taking questions about his own health after being in contact with lawmakers who have gone into self-quarantine over coronavirus …

* This article was originally published here

Trump: Pelosi’s rhetoric, actions behind move to skip St. Patrick’s Day luncheon

Paul Ryan, R-Wis., was speaker, and in 2019, after Pelosi, D-Calif, won back the gavel. Trump remains incensed at Pelosi for leading the Democratic-controlled House in December to impeach him after he …

* This article was originally published here

Trump praises CDC amid coronvirus outbreak, calls Washington governor ‘a snake’ during visit to agency

Trump said he warned Vice President Mike Pence not to trust Gov … he creates controversy, he cannot get along with our members of Congress, and I’m going to continue my efforts to impeach him.” On …

* This article was originally published here

Trump Loses It On Fox News Over Latest 2020 Poll | The …

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2019. Fox News has compared support for former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic frontrunner, and Trump prior to Thursday’s post. (RELATED: Freedom Caucus Members Resist Trump With On-Principle ‘No’ Vote On Budget Deal)

* This article was originally published here