Hey Trump, Need Some Ice to Soothe J.K. Rowling’s Latest Twitter Burn?

resist trump news – BingNews
Hey Trump, Need Some Ice to Soothe J.K. Rowling’s Latest Twitter Burn?
During Trump’s visit to Texas, he was briefed on Hurricane Harvey, and journalist Jonathan Tilove released the following quote from the POTUS. Aaaand *cue the facepalm.* Of course, Rowling couldn’t resist snatching up the opportunity to fire off one of her …

Plan to buy Twitter and ban Donald Trump won’t happen, but Mark Hamill supports it anyway
The movement begins, sort of. “Stars Wars” actor Mark Hamill, whose character is famous for spearheading a resistance movement across the galaxy, is now looking for Americans to resist Donald Trump’s Twitter usage. Hamill donated to a GoFundMe page …

impeach trump news – BingNews
Joy Reid: Donald Trump Sees Ratings And Crowd Size In Texas Visit During Hurricane
“As long as there are Republicans in control of the House of Representatives, the Senate, they are not going to impeach Donald Trump.” She advised Noah to stop waiting for this Congress “to suddenly wake up and decide Donald Trump is terribl

protest trump news – BingNews
Boston Protest of White Supremacy and Fascism Reveal Deep Contradictions of the Trump Era
“The two ruling parties in the US, which have united to wage an all-out assault on the oppressed both here and worldwide.” August 19th marked the arrival of so-called “free speech” groups to the Boston Common. They were met by 30,000 protesters who …

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