Tom Steyer has gathered 2.5 million signatures to impeach Trump. So why are Democrats so annoyed?

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Tom Steyer has gathered 2.5 million signatures to impeach Trump. So why are Democrats so annoyed?
From its very founding, California has been a land of reinvention. The creed is practically written in the state Constitution: If you don’t like who you are, or your place in life, start over. Gold was the first lure. Since then, countless have sought fame.

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Conservatives target Sen. John Kennedy over opposition to Trump judicial nominees
“Senator Kennedy should immediately let the people of Louisiana know whether he joins them in supporting President Trump and his exceptional judicial nominees or if he stands with liberal Democrats doing everything they can to resist the president …

Black Lives Matter Calls For a ‘BlackXmas’ to Protest ‘White Capitalism’ and Trump
The Los Angeles chapter of Black Lives Matter is calling for people to resist “white capitalism” and President Trump by only buying from black businesses during the holiday season. On Sunday, the allegedly official Black Lives Matter-LA Twitter account …

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Poll: 71% of Americans want Trump to stay out of NFL anthem spat
Weak and out of control! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 28, 2017 Back in September, the poll asked if people support the NFL players’ right to protest, and 84% said yes. But 16% of respondents at the time agreed with President Trump that …

Black Lives Matter Calls For a ‘BlackXmas’ to Protest ‘White Capitalism’ and Trump
The Los Angeles chapter of Black Lives Matter is calling for people to resist “white capitalism” and President Trump by only buying from black businesses during the holiday season. On Sunday, the allegedly official Black Lives Matter-LA Twitter account …

The State Department has reportedly warned the White House that Trump’s tweets could put American embassies in danger

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The State Department has reportedly warned the White House that Trump’s tweets could put American embassies in danger
“I therefore urge you to delete the retweets and do all you can in future to resist courses of action that play into the hands of those who seek to destroy us and our way of life.” Trump has spurred outrage in the Middle East and elsewhere on several …

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The Consequences of Trump Being Trump
Trump’s achievements — though meager by the standard of … a Democratic comeback that could make 2019 a year largely defined by their attempts to impeach the president. If so, that will mean the end of any hope, for the foreseeable future, of …

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Officials: Trump mulls calling Jerusalem Israel’s capital
White House spokesman Sarah Sanders on Wednesday called an earlier report saying Trump would order an embassy move as “premature.” Moving the embassy is a step that could spark widespread protest across the Middle East and undermine an Arab-Israeli peace …

Bing: resist trump news
Resist Trump – The Stranger, Seattle’s Only Newspaper
Recently in Resist Trump. Fri, Nov 3, 2017 … Sign up for the latest news and to win free tickets to events. Stranger Tickets. Buy tickets to events around Seattle.

Trump takes veiled shot at ‘son of a b—-’ Kaepernick in …

Bing: protest trump news
Trump takes veiled shot at ‘son of a b—-’ Kaepernick in …
President Trump on Friday encouraged NFL owners to fire any player who protests during the national anthem.

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Westboro Baptist Church Will Protest Trump, Says His Sex Life Puts ‘Entire Nation In Peril’
Even the Westboro Baptist Church has had enough of President Donald Trump. The notorious hate group, which often pickets the funerals of dead soldiers and celebrities, plans to protest outside the White House next month after claiming Trump’s history of …

Bing: impeach trump news
Billboard calling for Trump’s impeachment goes up in California
Billboard calling for Trump’s impeachment goes up in California. A billboard calling for the impeachment of President Trump went up near the … Latest from CBS News.

Stop Trump campaign: Huge boost in support for anti-Donald Trump march as campaigners warn over a million protesters could take to streets

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Stop Trump campaign: Huge boost in support for anti-Donald Trump march as campaigners warn over a million protesters could take to streets
More than a million people could take to the streets to protest Donald Trump’s upcoming UK visit, campaigners have warned following a boom in the number of people pledging to join the march. The Stop Trump group was set up in February, shortly after the …

Prince Harry and the Royal House of Trump
Trump flew to a kingdom where dissent is illegal and fealty total. As Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross giddily noted at the time, the visit was unmarred by protest or criticism – “not one guy with a bad placard.” In Saudi Arabia, Trump was received with …

Bing: impeach trump news
Women marched on Washington. Now they want to impeach Trump …
March On, a group created by founders of the Women’s March, is launching a new ad campaign on the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

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Trump Impeachment Vote Will Happen Next Week, Promises Texas Democrat of ‘Billionaire Bigot’
The first vote on whether to impeach President Donald Trump will take place in the House of Representatives next week, Texas Democrat Al Green announced Thursday. Green, one of Trump’s fiercest critics—he has filed multiple articles of impeachment …

Tom Steyer is leading a campaign to impeach Trump. Why does that annoy so many Democrats?

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Tom Steyer is leading a campaign to impeach Trump. Why does that annoy so many Democrats?
From its very founding, California has been a land of reinvention. The creed is practically written in the state Constitution: If you don’t like who you are, or your place in life, start over. Gold was the first lure. Since then, countless have sought fame.

Democratic congressman plans to force vote to impeach Trump next week
by Melissa Quinn | Nov 30, 2017, 12:15 PM Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Email this article Share on LinkedIn Print this article “I don’t know what the vote will be, but I do know this,” he said. “Next week, there will be a vote to impeach. Next week …

Trump “Impeachment Will Be Voted on Before Christmas,” Democrat Says After Anti-Muslim Video Retweets
Green pledged earlier this month that he would force a vote on the House floor before Christmas Day to impeach Trump, whom he called “the chief inciter of racism, bigotry, hatred, xenophobia, sexism, ethnocentrism.” The impeachment articles that Green …

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No, Newsweek, Ivanka Trump Did Not Plagiarize Her Speech in India
Folks it’s been almost 2 hrs since we posted anti-Trump story. Those resist clicks aren’t going to generate themselves. What ya got?

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Truthfeed Spreads Pro-Trump Propaganda
“Shocking Photo of DACA Recipients BURNING American Flag in Protest!” declared a September headline on the website Truthfeed. The article came a day after Donald Trump said he would halt the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which …

The 37 most Trumpian lines from Trump’s Missouri tax speech

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The 37 most Trumpian lines from Trump’s Missouri tax speech
1. “I told you that we would be saying Merry Christmas again, right?” Trump was surrounded on the stage by Christmas trees. And, so, of course, he couldn’t resist. Remember that he did pledge (and pledge) that his 2016 win meant that “we’re saying ‘Merry …

Stephen Colbert Hilariously Mocks Trump’s Hypocritical Response to Matt Lauer’s Firing
Naturally, The Late Show’s Stephen Colbert got in on the conversation, and couldn’t resist calling out President Trump’s hypocritical response to Lauer’s firing. Using his best Trump impersonation, Colbert mockingly recited the POTUS’ tweet, which began …

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House Dem pledges vote to impeach Trump next week
The actual House vote will likely only be a procedural vote, but it will still serve as the first referendum in Congress to impeach Trump after less than 11 months in office. “Next week, there will be a vote to impeach,” Green announced in a House floor …

Trump Twitter: The search for Donald Trump’s most retweeted tweets

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Trump Twitter: The search for Donald Trump’s most retweeted tweets
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 31, 2013 5. Trump expressed his displeasure for Obama again in 2014. Retweets: 208,379. Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence? — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2014 4.

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Trump calls the New York Times ‘a virtual lobbyist’ against GOP tax bill
Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 30 … Pope Francis urged Myanmar’s long-suffering people to resist the temptation to exact revenge for the hurt they have endured, preaching a message of forgiveness Wednesday to a huge crowd in his first public …

Trump threatens major sanctions after latest North Korea missile
Taking place at the daybreak of Nov. 29! Fire with courage for the party and country!” Speaking later Wednesday, Trump could not resist taking a dig at Kim. Digressing during a speech in Missouri on tax reform, Trump called Kim “Little Rocket Man …

Trump just can’t resist a ‘good’ insult, no matter where he’s at, what he’s doing, or who gets hurt
He didn’t have to do it, but President Trump did it anyway. There, in the White House, ostensibly honoring the contributions of the legendary Navajo code talkers who helped defeat Japanese Imperial forces in World War II, top-of-mind Trump did what he …

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Phoenix Police release Trump protest videos
More than 30 hours of police body cam video, surveillance footage, cell phone video and even helicopter shots reveal different angles of the anti-Trump protests that took place during an August rally in Phoenix. More than 30 hours of police body cam video …

Donald Trump Jr. campaigns for immigration hardliner Kris Kobach in Kansas governor race

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Donald Trump Jr. campaigns for immigration hardliner Kris Kobach in Kansas governor race
“He’s basically the Trump candidate,” said Daniel Cossins, a 20-year-old computer programmer from the town of Spring Hill, on the south edge of the Kansas City area. Overland Park, KS protest. DT Jr. at event to support white nationalist KS Sec of State …

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Analysis: Trump veers past guardrails, feeling impervious to the uproar he causes
For years, Trump has fired off incendiary tweets and created self-sabotaging controversies. The pattern captures the musings of a man who traffics in conspiracy theories and alternate realities, and who can’t resist inserting himself into any story line …

James O’Keefe’s Credibility Is On Trial As DOJ Seeks Felony Convictions For Trump Protesters

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James O’Keefe’s Credibility Is On Trial As DOJ Seeks Felony Convictions For Trump Protesters
The video shows a planning meeting for a protest on Inauguration Day. Prosecutors have not alleged that any of the six people currently on trial actually caused any damage ahead of Trump’s inauguration, when smashed business windows in downtown D.C …

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Women marched on Wash. Now they want to impeach Trump
March On, a new organization founded by leaders of the massive women’s protests the day after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, says in their ads, “This year, instead of fruitcakes and poinsettias, let’s flip Congress for the gift of impeachment.