Alec Baldwin Becomes ‘Professor Of Trumpology’ In Iowa Trump Roast

resist trump news – BingNews
Alec Baldwin Becomes ‘Professor Of Trumpology’ In Iowa Trump Roast
Alec Baldwin couldn’t resist mocking President Donald Trump at an Iowa Democratic Party fundraiser on Monday night. The actor, who regularly portrays Trump to hilarious effect on “Saturday Night Live,” repeatedly zinged the president during a speech …

protest trump news – BingNews
Trump vs. Clinton: The feud continues even after the election
2017 Trump later reiterated his desire for Clinton to run during a press briefing in the Rose Garden. He also criticized her for sticking up for professional athletes who have chosen to kneel during the national anthem in a sign of protest. In response to …

You Won’t Believe the ‘Evidence’ They’re Using to Prosecute Trump’s Election Day Protesters
Federal prosecutors targeting anti-Trump protesters are relying on video evidence from … The J20 demonstrators are not the only progressive activists who have faced harsh prosecutions for protest activities this year. In May, a leftwing activist was …

Trump appears to have tallied up all the players who knelt on Monday night, bashes ‘weak and out of control’ NFL
Susan Walsh/AP President Donald Trump again voiced his frustration with the NFL on Twitter Tuesday. NFL players continued to kneel in protest during Monday Night Football. President Donald Trump appeared to have kept a tally of NFL players who knelt during …

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