CAIR: Trump Retweets Validate Hate Mongering

resist trump news – BingNews
CAIR: Trump Retweets Validate Hate Mongering
The Council on American-Islamic Relations is calling on all Americans to resist ‘hate mongering’ President Trump is giving validity to. This comes after Trump retweeted a series of anti-Muslim videos. (Nov. 29) AP

impeach trump news – BingNews
Festive Ad Asks Santa To Impeach Trump
A group founded by the organizers of the Women’s March has just one wish on its Christmas list—to see the president impeached. In a holiday advertisement funded by the organization March On, the group suggests that rather than focusing on fruitcakes …

Bing: protest trump news
Dozens gather for anti-Trump protest in Atlanta | WSB-TV
A group gathered in Little Five Points to protest the Trump Administration.

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