Michelle Obama has a crack at Donald Trump’s Twitter habits

resist trump news – BingNews
Michelle Obama has a crack at Donald Trump’s Twitter habits
MICHELLE Obama was in Toronto for her first solo speech in Canada — a sold-out few-thousand-person throng — where she couldn’t resist taking a few digs at President Donald Trump. After being introduced by Canada’s first lady, Sophie Trudeau …

Republican Senator Rails Against Trump Judicial Nominees
Senator Kennedy should immediately let the people of Louisiana know whether he joins them in supporting President Trump and his exceptional judicial nominees, or if he stands with liberal Democrats doing everything they can to resist the President.”

impeach trump news – BingNews
Britain’s PM meets key Arab ally, amid Trump anti-Muslim row
Democrats also expressed skepticism over the future success of the resolution. >> Related: Impeach Trump, says billboard near Mar-a-Lago House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, said that many Democrats believe that Trump should be impeached …

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