Dozens of US Jewish Activists Stage Sit-in on Capitol Hill in Protest of Trump’s Threat to Deport Dreamers – Haaretz

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Dozens of US Jewish Activists Stage Sit-in on Capitol Hill in Protest of Trump’s Threat to Deport Dreamers – Haaretz


Dozens of US Jewish Activists Stage Sit-in on Capitol Hill in Protest of Trump's Threat to Deport Dreamers
Rabbi Pesner added that "Dreamers are Americans in most ways that matter. The United States is the only home many of them have known. They are members of our communities who deserve nothing less than a secure future and the ability to continue to

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Opinion: Join the thriving resistance at the Anniversary Rally –

Opinion: Join the thriving resistance at the Anniversary Rally
A year ago this coming weekend, the Women's March in Washington saw five million people fill the National Mall in protest of President Trump's stated politics and policies, and in support of the great gains our society has made over the past century

protest trump news – BingNews
Dozens of U.S. Jewish Activists Stage Sit-in on Capitol Hill in Protest of Trump’s Threat to Deport Dreamers
WASHINGTON – Dozens of Jewish American activists demonstrated on Capitol Hill Wednesday calling on Congress to pass legislation in protection of “Dreamers,” undocumented immigrants who arrived to the United States as children. A coalition of Jewish groups …

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