Isle beats back: Haitians march on Trump building in protest of ‘hypocrite’ president

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Isle beats back: Haitians march on Trump building in protest of ‘hypocrite’ president
Get our stories in your inbox, free. Recipients’ email addresses (Up to ten, separated by commas.) They stepped in resistance to his s—. Local Haitians and their supporters railed against the president during a Brooklyn-to-Manhattan protest march on …

impeach trump news – BingNews
Republicans Are Headed For A 2018 Bloodbath Unless They Play The Trump Card
Republicans have one big card to play: Trump needs to start tweeting the following words: “If Republicans lose the House, Democrats will impeach Trump.” (It’s okay, Trump loves the third person.) Republicans everywhere should follow his lead and echo …

Bing: resist trump news
How to Resist Trump | POPSUGAR News
Whether you’ve seen it on social media, read about it in the news, or heard people talking about it on the street, there’s a multifaceted movement against

Bing: impeach trump news
Women marched on Washington. Now they want to impeach …
In addition to the “impeach” Christmas sweaters, donors can sign holiday cards wishing Trump a “merciful end to your presidency” that will be delivered to Trump Tower …

resist trump news – BingNews
A year into Trump presidency, New Yorkers resist through nonprofits
One year ago, Port Washington resident Robin Sigman was looking for a way to become a part of the fledgling resistance movement against incoming President Donald Trump. Like millions of other people, she feared what his campaign promises would mean in …

Mainstream Media Scream: Morning Joe creates anti-Trump #Resist music video

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Mainstream Media Scream: Morning Joe creates anti-Trump #Resist music video
This week’s Mainstream Media Scream features MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough singing his way into the #Resist movement with a new music video built around the anti-Trump movement and the weekend’s protests. It started with a Saturday tweet that …

Bing: resist trump news
6 Ways Not to Resist Donald Trump – POLITICO Magazine
6 Ways Not to Resist Donald Trump. Keep it … liberals should be able to mobilize effectively in opposition to Trump in the … of one Fox News …

Renewal and resistance in Seattle — thousands take to streets for Women’s March – Seattle Times

resist trump news – Google News
Renewal and resistance in Seattle — thousands take to streets for Women’s March – Seattle Times

Seattle Times

Renewal and resistance in Seattle — thousands take to streets for Women's March
Seattle Times
A year to the day after Donald Trump's election ignited a culture of protest in Seattle, tens of thousands of people took to the streets Saturday to renew their commitment to resist Trump's presidency and to work toward what they see as a more just and

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Your view: Let’s get together and impeach Trump – Bristol Herald Courier (press release) (blog)

Your view: Let's get together and impeach Trump
Bristol Herald Courier (press release) (blog)
So I have an idea everybody. Since this guy in the White House received less than half of the votes cast by those who voted in the last election (he was not popularly elected) and the total number of votes cast for him only equals roughly 33 percent of

and more »

Among votes of past week, Clay votes to proceed with Trump impeachment –

impeach trump news – Google News
Among votes of past week, Clay votes to proceed with Trump impeachment –

Among votes of past week, Clay votes to proceed with Trump impeachment
Call for Trump Impeachment • The House on Jan. 19 tabled, 355-66, a measure (H Res 705) that sought to impeach President Trump based on "high misdemeanors" mainly involving his inflammatory and defamatory Twitter postings and public and private

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Women’s March draws thousands as Trump term enters second year
“The Trump shutdown is due to the inability of the Republican Party … “We want to continue the fight to resist this president and the policies we’re against,” said Sara Piper, 59, a geologist from Reston, Virginia. Some critics said this year …

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Hundreds gather in Palm Beach County to protest, support President Trump – Sun Sentinel

Sun Sentinel

Hundreds gather in Palm Beach County to protest, support President Trump
Sun Sentinel
Since the 2016 election she's gotten active in the Republican Party and is now a precinct committeewoman. She said she comes to show her support almost every weekend the president is expected at Mar-a-Lago. "I don't think President Trump is a perfect
President to miss Mar-a-Lago event, 300 protesters gather in Palm BeachPalm Beach Post
Trump postpones visit but could be coming Saturday; protest plannedPalm Beach Daily News

all 6 news articles »

Bing: protest trump news
‘An untimely visit’: Trump avoids protest at Mississippi …
Donald Trump visits the Civil Rights Museum in Jackson, Mississippi. Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters Mississippi faced a complicated task in proving that it could …

House votes to kill Democrat’s resolution to impeach Trump …

Bing: impeach trump news
House votes to kill Democrat’s resolution to impeach Trump …
The House overwhelmingly voted Wednesday to kill a resolution from a liberal Democratic lawmaker to impeach President Donald Trump as a majority of Democrats joined …

The resistance is organized and ready in district where Trump is visiting

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The resistance is organized and ready in district where Trump is visiting
Lynn Hughes, 34, a registered independent until Trump’s win radicalized her, tells a similar story. “Before the inauguration, called for community meetings all across the country to resist Trump at a local level. I was like, I have a house …

Bing: impeach trump news
House votes to stop effort by some Democrats to impeach …
The House on Wednesday voted to stop an effort by some Democrats to impeach Donald Trump. A total of 58 Democrats voted to move forward on articles of impeachment …

Dozens gather for anti-Trump protest in Atlanta | WSB-TV

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Dozens gather for anti-Trump protest in Atlanta | WSB-TV
A group gathered in Little Five Points to protest the Trump Administration.

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Stop children, what’s that sound?: Trump-wave protest music – Irish Times

Irish Times

Stop children, what's that sound?: Trump-wave protest music
Irish Times
It was the middle of 2017 – 12 toxic, corrosive months that consistently found new ways to chill the soul – and I was reviewing a four-minute song. After submitting the straightforward piece, one of the editors at the music website I was contributing

Dozens of US Jewish Activists Stage Sit-in on Capitol Hill in Protest of Trump’s Threat to Deport Dreamers – Haaretz

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Dozens of US Jewish Activists Stage Sit-in on Capitol Hill in Protest of Trump’s Threat to Deport Dreamers – Haaretz


Dozens of US Jewish Activists Stage Sit-in on Capitol Hill in Protest of Trump's Threat to Deport Dreamers
Rabbi Pesner added that "Dreamers are Americans in most ways that matter. The United States is the only home many of them have known. They are members of our communities who deserve nothing less than a secure future and the ability to continue to

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Opinion: Join the thriving resistance at the Anniversary Rally –

Opinion: Join the thriving resistance at the Anniversary Rally
A year ago this coming weekend, the Women's March in Washington saw five million people fill the National Mall in protest of President Trump's stated politics and policies, and in support of the great gains our society has made over the past century

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Dozens of U.S. Jewish Activists Stage Sit-in on Capitol Hill in Protest of Trump’s Threat to Deport Dreamers
WASHINGTON – Dozens of Jewish American activists demonstrated on Capitol Hill Wednesday calling on Congress to pass legislation in protection of “Dreamers,” undocumented immigrants who arrived to the United States as children. A coalition of Jewish groups …

The Trump Protest-Song Boom, in the Eye of History

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The Trump Protest-Song Boom, in the Eye of History
The first anniversary of Donald Trump’s presidency is also the first anniversary of a landmark weekend for art and politics. Trump’s inauguration festivities brought Toby Keith and 3 Doors Down to the National Mall—amid rumors that bigger performers …