GOP lawmaker: ‘Of course’ Dems will impeach Trump if they take … – The Hill

impeach trump news – Google News
GOP lawmaker: ‘Of course’ Dems will impeach Trump if they take … – The Hill

The Hill

GOP lawmaker: 'Of course' Dems will impeach Trump if they take …
The Hill
Wisconsin Rep. Sean Duffy (R) says it's inevitable that Democrats will try to impeach President Trump if they retake the House in the fall, adding that the media would pressure lawmakers into supporting impeachment.
Sean Duffy: 'Of course' Democrats will impeach Trump if they regain …Washington Examiner
Duffy: Dems Will Impeach Trump If They Retake House | Newsmax …Newsmax

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protest trump news – Google News
The Fashion Designers Using Maximalism to Protest Trump – Daily Beast

Daily Beast

The Fashion Designers Using Maximalism to Protest Trump
Daily Beast
In the Obama era, after coming out of the recession, fashion responded by bringing back maximalism. The idea of excess and opulence returned as people felt they had the money to shop again. Fashion designers dared to be bold and avant-garde. Brands

resist trump news – BingNews
They’re gonna BLOW! Lefties lose their damn minds over Drudge Poll asking if Trump should fire Mueller
Drudge Report put out a poll asking yes or no, if people think Trump should fire Mueller … in the grand scheme of things doesn’t mean a whole lot. But hey, let them resist, they need a hobby.

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