Trump, GOP leaders face backlash over $1.3 trillion spending package

impeach trump news – BingNews
Trump, GOP leaders face backlash over $1.3 trillion spending package
she said. On Twitter, she also congratulated “President Schumer” and agreed with Trump that he won’t sign another bill like that, but added that was because a Democratic House would impeach him. “The president was really sold a bill of goods here …

Bing: resist trump news
US General John Hyten would resist ′illegal′ Trump nuclear …
News US General John Hyten would resist ‘illegal’ Trump nuclear launch order. The top officer in charge of the US nuclear arsenal announced that he could refuse an …

Bing: impeach trump news
Democrat congressman pushes to impeach Trump … – Fox News
Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, again presented articles to impeach President Trump on the House floor.

resist trump news – BingNews
Trump gave Putin the green light on LGBT persecution this week
Against the advice of his national security advisors, Trump couldn’t resist continuing his “bromance” with Putin by picking up the phone congratulating Putin on an election win that seemed all but guaranteed before the first ballot was cast.

protest trump news – BingNews
Trump’s Motorcade Drove Out of Its Way to Avoid Seeing Children Protest Gun Violence
Donald Trump is in Florida to play golf this weekend, which puts him in uncomfortable proximity to the #MarchForOurLives protest scheduled in the wake of the Parkland shooting. The president went out of his way to avoid the protesting children today, the …

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