Playbook: Ryan, McConnell to the White House to talk gov’t funding with Trump

resist trump news – BingNews
Playbook: Ryan, McConnell to the White House to talk gov’t funding with Trump
The effort is still something of a long shot — Trump himself fumed over the sanctions measure he signed into law and might resist — but the possibility of a follow-up Russia sanctions package remains …

protest trump news – BingNews
Viral church display replaces caged Holy Family with a mirror to protest Trump immigration policies
After its display protesting President Trump Donald John Trump Watergate’s John Dean: Potential of Cohen flipping not ‘boding well’ for Trump Giuliani attacks Cohen over Trump Tower report: He’s a ‘pa…

Bing: impeach trump news
Billionaire spends $10M to impeach Trump – CNN Video
Democratic mega-donor and billionaire Tom Steyer is spending more than $10 million on a national TV ad campaign calling for President Donald Trump’s impeachment.

Bing: protest trump news
Governors pull National Guard troops from border to …
A group of governors banded together to protest President Trump’s zero tolerance immigration policy as the uproar over the separation of migrant children from their parents continues across the nation.

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