Trump tells troops he’s thankful for what he’s done for the U.S. and rails against courts and migrants

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Trump tells troops he’s thankful for what he’s done for the U.S. and rails against courts and migrants
Trump’s call, made from his opulent private Mar-a-Lago club … I’m still happy to sit in the light and answer all questions. But I will resist a “closed door” thing because I’ve seen enough of their …

Bing: protest trump news
‘Make Peace Great Again’: Finns protest Trump-Putin …
Protesters have hit the streets of the Finnish capital to protest the upcoming meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, slamming both leaders ahead of the highly anticipated event.

Bing: resist trump news
Will Dems ‘Resist’ Trump’s Push to End Racism in Justice …
Will Dems ‘Resist’ Trump’s Push to End Racism in Justice System. … Fox News reported on the case of Leandro Andrade. The 9-year military service veteran and father was hit with a 50-year to life sentence in 1996 for stealing $150 worth of videotapes. It was his third offense, and his three children grew up without a father.

impeach trump news – BingNews
Ivanka Trump emails a yawner of a scandal
Potatoes, potahtoes? That’s an understatement. Yet the left is going nuts, thinking it’s stumbled on to its latest “impeach Trump”-like moment, and that it can somehow turn this email issue into the n…

protest trump news – BingNews
Migrant Caravan: Donald Trump Earns Apparent Support of Mexican Mayor, Who Wears ‘Make Tijuana Great Again’ Cap
Donald Trump kicked off his presidential campaign in 2015 using … In recent days, demonstrators gathered in the border city to protest the arrival of Central American migrants who are seeking to rea…

Protester flying ‘RESIST’ banner paraglides feet above …

Bing: resist trump news
Protester flying ‘RESIST’ banner paraglides feet above …
A daredevil protester paraglided feet above President Trump’s head shortly after he arrived at his private golf club in the Scottish countryside Friday night, bringing Britain’s anti-Trump ire …

HOLY SH*T LOL! Resist-harpy Scott Dworkin shrieking about …

Bing: resist trump news
HOLY SH*T LOL! Resist-harpy Scott Dworkin shrieking about …
HOLY SH*T LOL! Resist-harpy Scott Dworkin shrieking about Putin and Trump the FUNNIEST thread you’ll read today Posted at 12:26 pm on July 16, 2018 by Sam J.

US RESIST News – Info & Analysis of Trump Administration …

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US RESIST News – Info & Analysis of Trump Administration …
Information and analysis of Trump administration policies in one page easy to understand Policy Briefs for civil rights, education, and much more.

protest trump news – BingNews
Resist Trump With Ben & Jerry’s Latest Protest Ice Cream Flavor
Ben & Jerry’s continues to be the wokest ice cream in the game, announcing this week the creation of a new flavor, Pecan Resist. According to their website, the flavor is intended to help “peacefully …

Ramesh Ponnuru: Five reasons the Democrats might impeach Trump

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Ramesh Ponnuru: Five reasons the Democrats might impeach Trump
NEW YORK — Leading Democrats — including Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and Adam Schiff — have spent months saying that they are not eager to impeach President Donald Trump. On the eve of the elections that …

resist trump news – BingNews
Rubin: View from China: Will Trump and Xi avoid a new Cold War?
Much will depend on whether Trump’s mistaken belief he is “winning” the trade … convinces him he is strong enough to resist real compromise with Washington. What I heard from Chinese officials, thin…

One Way to Resist Trump’s Bureaucratic War on Birth Control

Bing: resist trump news
One Way to Resist Trump’s Bureaucratic War on Birth Control
The Trump administration views widely guaranteed birth control access as enough of an emergency to proceed without any feedback, telling the public that what they have to say doesn’t matter.

Bing: protest trump news
Aerial shots show scale of Trump protest in Trafalgar …
Tens of thousands gathered to protest against Donald Trump’s visit to the UK. The US president arrived on Thursday and attended a gala at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire.

resist trump news – BingNews
Iran will resist US economic war and continue oil exports, President Rouhani
Other signatories trying to salvage the deal since May, when US President Donald Trump abandoned it. Washington restored sanctions targeting Iran’s oil, banking and transportation sectors this month. …

Bing: impeach trump news
The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun – The …
The effort to impeach President Donald John Trump is already underway. At the moment the new commander in chief was sworn in, a campaign to build public support for his impeachment went live at …

Resist Trump’s Israel Agenda –

Bing: resist trump news
Resist Trump’s Israel Agenda –
Trump’s “peace plan” will be just like his administration: Dishonest, inhumane and ineffective “There is a moral, religious, and legal obligation to protect the rights of refugees.

impeach trump news – BingNews
Column: Even With Evidence of ‘High Crimes,’ an Attempt to Impeach Trump Likely Would Fail
The midterm elections have made it all but certain that some Democrats will introduce impeachment resolutions against President Donald Trump after the new Congress begins in January. Speaker-in-waitin…

resist trump news – BingNews
KaeLyn Rich’s “Girls Resist!” Is a Guidebook for Intersectional Feminist Superheroes
Girls Resist! is part introduction to intersectional feminism and … That said, this is 100% in no way a book that’s about responding to Trump and I finished the manuscript before #MeToo rose into th…

Bing: protest trump news
Aerial view of London anti-Trump protest – BBC News
Thousands of protesters are marching through central London in protest of Donald Trump’s visit.

protest trump news – BingNews
Some Drunk Moron Yelled ‘Heil Hitler, Heil Trump’ to Protest the President During a Play? What?
Welcome to Bizzaroland, ruled by liberal stupidity and defended by abject lunatics. In Baltimore, a man has apologized for standing up during a local production of “Fiddler on the Roof” and …

Parisians brave the rain to protest Trump – The Washington …

Bing: protest trump news
Parisians brave the rain to protest Trump – The Washington …
PARIS — President Trump’s visit to Paris for the Armistice Day centennial commemorations wasn’t without its share of protests. The first occurred Sunday morning, as the presidential …

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Trump again suggests California mismanaged forests as he heads to fire-damaged state
Rice, president of California Professional Firefighters, who called Trump’s words “ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning to those who are suffering as well as the men and women on the front lines.” [R…

protest trump news – BingNews
Man who yelled ‘Heil Hitler’ in theater as Trump protest apologizes
The Baltimore man who yelled “Heil Hitler, Heil Trump” during a performance of “Fiddler on the Roof” has apologized, saying he is “embarassed and ashamed” at the way he expressed his opposition to the …

Donald Trump Impeachment Investigation Needs to Start ‘Now,’ Ex-Congresswoman Who Voted to Impeach Nixon Says

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Donald Trump Impeachment Investigation Needs to Start ‘Now,’ Ex-Congresswoman Who Voted to Impeach Nixon Says
An investigation into whether to impeach President Donald Trump is “very much needed now,” a former congresswoman who voted to impeach President Richard Nixon writes in her new book. “Right now there …

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Access Health CT to protest new Trump abortion proposal
Connecticut’s Affordable Care Act exchange, Access Health CT, is protesting a Trump administration plan that would require the nation’s insurers to send a separate bill to consumers who …

Jeff Flake, the King of the Empty Gesture, Just Took a Stand Against Trump That Actually Matters

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Jeff Flake, the King of the Empty Gesture, Just Took a Stand Against Trump That Actually Matters
Progressives can love Flake or hate Flake, but at some point, the Flakes and the Conways and the Ridges will be the only way to resist Trump with any real force. That they are making old arguments …

impeach trump news – BingNews
Midterm losses humbled and changed other presidents. Will Trump follow suit? Dream on.
One wonders what else might have been accomplished if House Republicans hadn’t dropped everything they were doing to impeach Clinton for lying about an affair. More: America is rejecting Trump and pro…

Bing: impeach trump news
Walmart ‘Impeach 45’ shirt: Trump supporters call to # …
Walmart became the target of Trump supporters outraged by a T-shirt sold on the company’s website, leading to calls for a boycott Tuesday. The shirt, which was available in adult sizes and in …