Michael Hiltzik: The year of California v. Trump could get rougher in 2019

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Michael Hiltzik: The year of California v. Trump could get rougher in 2019
The Trump administration might have pursued some of its initiatives … While California communities observe sanctuary principles to resist allowing their law enforcement departments to help immigrati…

Groups Urge Supreme Court To Resist Trump On Trans Military Ban
(WB) LGBT legal groups urged the U.S. Supreme Court this week to decline to intervene in cases challenging President Trump’s transgender military ban, asserting action at this point would amount to “s…

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The 5 House chairs who are about to make life much harder for Trump
“There are several things you have to look at.” If Democrats do to try to impeach Trump, Nadler will be one of the most important Democrats in the caucus — and will likely face the breadth of Trump’s …

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Wild Goose Chase | Students Protest | Trump Visit: Year In Review
BEVERLY HILLS, CA – Beverly Hills had a busy year. As 2018 comes to a close, Patch is looking back on the stories that got readers talking. From a wild goose chase, to student protests and new …

Bing: resist trump news
EPeak Daily ⋆ Epeak . Independent news and blogs
Kanye West is within the midst of one other tweet storm that touches on his ongoing drama with drake, his psychological well being, how he perceives his remedy’s results on his music — and Ariana Grande.On Thursday (Dec. 13), West …

Trump’s probable world realignment: a Jewish interest

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Trump’s probable world realignment: a Jewish interest
Why Donald Trump may be considering the strategic world … And the new China would resist any Western interference into their internal affairs intended to infuse the Western concepts of human …

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Martin Schram: Trump’s loneliness of leadership in an uncertain 2019
… he could never again reassure U.S. allies they could trust Trump, Mattis handed his president a letter of resignation — the first known time a defense secretary resigned in protest. At 6:59 a.m. o…

Bing: impeach trump news
Being indicted isn’t Donald Trump’s problem. Impeachment …
In the wake of an absolutely stunning 60 minutes of revelations on Tuesday afternoon, you might have been tempted to wonder whether President Donald Trump was in real legal jeopardy.

Bing: protest trump news
Anti-Trump protests spread across nation – CNN
Thousands continue to protest President-elect Donald Trump’s election victory, with arrests, a flag burning and peaceful demonstrations across the country.

Investors more wary of Trump than Wall Street

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Investors more wary of Trump than Wall Street
Eventually, Republicans in the Senate join their Democratic colleagues in voting to impeach. This may sound implausible when so much of the past two years has been defined by Trump’s base sticking …

The man who could impeach Trump: Nancy Pelosi hires new top lawyer
Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has picked a new guiding force for Democrats investigating and potentially impeaching President Trump when they take control of the House next year. Douglas L…

Bing: resist trump news
Rise and Resist
DIRECT ACTION WORKS. JOIN US TODAY. Rise and Resist is a direct action group committed to opposing, disrupting, and defeating any government act that threatens democracy, equality, and our civil liberties.. This Tuesday, we will meet from 7:00pm to 9:00 pm, at The People’s Forum, 320 west 37 Street, NYC, NY, 10001

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No Crack in Trump’s Oceanside Wall of Support: Superfan Scoffs at Impeachment
Trump for finally going for the much needed … The ONLY proper way to resist what one thinks is a bad policy by the president is to resign (as Mattis did) and then join the opposition party …

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AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s false statements to cheering troops
tweet Monday. THE FACTS: There are three or more things wrong with this short tweet as he takes a slap at a retiring Republican senator who criticized him, Bob Corker of Tennessee, and a U.S. official …

The Worst Anti-Trump College Courses Offered in 2018

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The Worst Anti-Trump College Courses Offered in 2018
D.C., to protest the nomination of then-Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court earlier this year. San Diego State University offered a course about President Donald Trump called “Impeachment, R…

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America’s new year’s resolution: impeach Trump and remove him
After his first bizarre year, Donald Trump’s apologists told us he was growing into the job and that in his second year he would be more restrained and respectful of democratic institutions. Related: …

Bing: resist trump news
What Trump has in common with Abe Lincoln and Ferris …
Critics may say Trump skipped economics, like a certain movie truant, but Abe would back his policy.

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Do Not Count On A Market Tumble To Topple Trump
The holiday season is a joyous time for Americans, and this Christmas looked especially bright to liberals, Never Trumpers and others who seek to resist and replace Donald Trump as president. They …

Trump will be impeached — plus nine other headlines you’ll read in 2019

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Trump will be impeached — plus nine other headlines you’ll read in 2019
Trump’s approval rating immediately plunges to less than 20 per cent. Even the Republican party becomes bitterly divided. The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives swiftly responds by voting …

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Trump is bad for Israel [Opinion]
Powers that behave as Trump’s America have squandered it … or Kuwait in 1990 — for the sake of currying favor with larger ones. It means we should resist interloping foreign aggressors, whether it w…

Bing: resist trump news
News: Resist Trump (TFM 42O)
On the plus side, at least this video won’t be demonetized. A segment of the 11/29/2017 episode of TFM 42O. http://www.breitbart.com/big-governme…

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Conservative writer details how opposition to Trump is ‘hardening’ — and how his presidency could finally end
Trump’s botched management of the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia, his frantic maneuvering of troops in the Middle East along with a premature announcement of ISIS’s defeat, and Defense Secretary …

Who’s afraid of the MAGA mob? Only Trump.

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Who’s afraid of the MAGA mob? Only Trump.
Trump is talented at making it appear that he has more than … Senate from removing him from office in the event that the House finds compelling grounds to impeach him. What keeps him from compromisi…

Will ‘fighter’ Trump go down kicking and screaming — or will he pull ‘a Nixon’ and cut and run for the good of his party?
In her new book, former New York Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman described her experience on the House Judiciary Committee that voted to impeach Nixon and how it compares to the Trump investigations. She prop…

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Editorial: Resist calls for regulating Facebook
It’s primarily focused on the platform’s interactions with Cambridge Analytica, the political consultancy that used a quiz app to gather Facebook data useful in targeting online campaign ads for then- …

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No Trump? Protest group still brings inflatable rat to Mar-a-Lago
In its ongoing efforts to catch the eye of President Donald Trump, even when he is not here, Mad Dog PAC — the group of anti-Trump activists responsible for the impeachment billboard now on the motorc…

Donald Trump Is Bad for Israel

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Donald Trump Is Bad for Israel
Powers that behave as Trump’s America has squander it … 1973 or Kuwait in 1990 — for the sake of currying favor with larger ones. It means we should resist interloping foreign aggressors, whether it …

Reject Trump’s ideas on climate change

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Reject Trump’s ideas on climate change
We cannot exist in a climate of hate, fear and mistrust. Impeach President Trump and put an end to this embarrassing chapter in our history.

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McCaskill Says GOP Senators Believe Trump Is ‘Nuts’
If they do, the Trump-loving party faithful will rise in protest and boot them out of office in their next primary election. Some may even issue threats of physical harm for daring to criticize their …

Bing: resist trump news
US RESIST News – Info & Analysis of Trump Administration …
Information and analysis of Trump administration policies in one page easy to understand Policy Briefs for civil rights, education, and much more.

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4 Ways Trump Attacked the Trans Community in 2018
If 2019 is anything like this year, our community will have to be organized and intentional about the ways that we resist the Trump administration’s anti-trans agenda. The manufactured public debate o…

Bing: impeach trump news
Congress Should Impeach Trump If He Doesn’t Talk to … – Time
President Donald Trump attends a discussion on making changes to the prison system on Jan. 11, 2018 in Washington.

AP fact check: Trump revisits old fictions about Iran money

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AP fact check: Trump revisits old fictions about Iran money
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is recycling familiar fictions concerning the Iran nuclear deal as he lashes out at a Republican senator who criticized him and a U.S. official who resigned in prot…

Your 10 Christmas gifts from President Trump

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Your 10 Christmas gifts from President Trump
Trump is blamed repeatedly for dividing the country. Going back to his very inauguration (which some politicians refused to attend), opponents resist his every move, not putting the good of the countr…

Ignoring History, Trump Hands Russia Yet Another Win in Syria
The goal is to flood the zone with so many questionable steps that the opposition is unable to focus, let alone respond or resist them all. “Trump Is Going Rogue” In June 2018, at the time of the G7 m…

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Time for G.O.P. to Threaten to Fire Trump
Up to now I have not favored removing President Trump from office. I felt strongly that it would be best for the country that he leave the way he came in, through the ballot box. But last week was a w…

Bing: impeach trump news
News & Updates – Impeach Donald Trump Now
Impeachment has been in the news lately with the recent sentencing of Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, and as the Mueller investigation continues. But we’ve known of Trump’s impeachable offenses, since he took the oath of office.

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Trump welcomes Saudi Arabian intervention in Syria, unleashes fury on U.S. officials who resigned in protest
Dec. 24–President Trump unleashed the full brunt of his Christmas fury Monday on a couple of Pentagon officials who recently resigned and announced he’s allowing Saudi Arabia to take over the role th…