How popular is Donald Trump? Latest polls, approval …

Bing: impeach trump news
How popular is Donald Trump? Latest polls, approval …
The US Government shutdown – now the longest in history – is causing Donald Trump’s presidential approval ratings to slide to their lowest level since April last year, according to the Telegraph’s …

resist trump news – BingNews
Can Japan resist the U.S. trade offensive with a new-version TPP?
Trump triggered trade frictions, forcing Japan and Europe to abandon high standards and high quality, and instead compete for time and speed, to reach a framework agreement before bilateral negotiatio…

impeach trump news – BingNews
Donald Trump Is ‘the Crisis in Our Country,’ Impeachment Campaign Leader Says as 7 Million Sign to Remove President
Tom Steyer, founder of a campaign to impeach President Donald Trump that reached 7 million supporters on Monday, has a message for the commander-in-chief: “You are the crisis in our country.” “Mr. Tru…

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