Orange County Republican to advise Trump on Asian-American issues, even as Vietnamese Americans protest deportation plan

protest trump news – BingNews
Orange County Republican to advise Trump on Asian-American issues, even as Vietnamese Americans protest deportation plan
President Donald Trump has picked a Republican Orange County supervisor to help lead a panel that advises him on issues affecting Asian Americans – an assignment that comes as Southern California’s Vi…

Bing: protest trump news
Fox News’ Silent Protest on Twitter Hits One Full Month
Fox News’ Silent Protest on Twitter Hits One Full Month Response to social media platform allowing doxxing of Tucker Carlson’s home

resist trump news – BingNews
Dems resisting Trump’s policies
The Democrats’ plan under Trump is just to resist any policy that he wants to pass and keep saying we hate Trump. With the backing of the mainstream media, this message seems to be enough to keep them …

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