‘Impeach Trump’ billboards go up in Times Square — RT US News

Bing: impeach trump news
‘Impeach Trump’ billboards go up in Times Square — RT US News
Billionaire Democrat donor Tom Steyer has paid around $20 million to put up billboards calling for Trump’s impeachment in Times Square.

resist trump news – BingNews
Trump’s 2018 New Year’s Resolution: Darcy cartoon
The question to be answered in 2018 is will Trump be able to resist an urge to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and pardon any Trump staffers/associates indicted in the Russian investigation?

impeach trump news – BingNews
Trump in 2018: Will Democrats be smart about impeachment?
Steyer’s $10 million ad buy asks viewers to tell their congressman that they have a “moral responsibility” to impeach Trump. And he’s putting another $20 million into a petition drive to impeach Trump. Not only is this a colossal waste of money …

Bing: protest trump news
Trump: NFL should suspend Marshawn Lynch for anthem …
Ticker – Trump: NFL should suspend Marshawn Lynch for anthem protest – WBNS-10TV Columbus, Ohio | Columbus News, Weather & Sports – Ticker

protest trump news – BingNews
News Roundup: Obama Beats Trump For Most Admired Man; Atlanta Anchor Dies; Actors’ Globes Protest
Barack Obama kept his Most Admired Man title in the U.S. The 44th president beat out Trump for the number one spot, with 17 percent of Americans picking him as the man that they admire the most, the annual Gallup poll released Wednesday said. Only 14 …

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